Chartered Management School
of |
Distance Learning
(Registered under the Education Ordinance of The Hong Kong Education Department No. 543942) |
Recommended Courses |
(Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Professional Diploma, Executive Diploma and Senior Executive Diploma Courses) |
1. Diploma in Management Studies (DMS)
2. Executive Diploma in Management Studies
3. Senior Executive Diploma in Management Studies
4. Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Trainer (Advanced Diploma and Professional Diploma)
5. Accounting and Finance
6. Business Administration
7. Computing Studies
8. Corporate Financial Strategy
9. Corporate Governance & Directorship
10. Counselling Psychology
11. Customer Service and Supply Chain Management
12. Crisis and Risk Management
13. E-Commerce
14. Enterprise Directorship
15. Financial Planning
16. Hotel and Tourism
17. Housing Managers
18. IT Accounting
19. Integrated Management
20 .Internet Marketing
21. International Marketing
22. Knowledge Management
23. Liberal Studies
24. Logistics & Transport Management
25. Mathematics Olympiad Trainer (Advanced Diploma and Professional Diploma)
26. Project Management
27. Property & Facilities Management
28. Psychology
29. Public Administration
30. Public Relations and Communication Management
31. Purchasing and Merchandising Management
32. Recreation and Sports Management
33. Relationship Management
34. Six Sigma
35. Trust Management
* 香港政府認可學歷評審機構 |
Members of our various Professional Associations have been recognized internationally.
Below listed are our selected recommendations:-
• Heriot-Watt University , UK
Our Members are welcome to apply for the distance learning MBA degree programme.
• Robert-Gordon University , UK
Our Members are welcome to apply for the on-line Master degrees in
Tourism Management and International Marketing Management programmes.
• Central Connecticut State University , USA
Our Members are welcome to apply for various Graduate and Postgraduate
Certificate Programs in (i.) Business Administration, (ii.) Corporate
Governance And Directorship, (iii.) Financial Planning, (iv.)
International Marketing, (v.) Logistics And Transportation Management,
and (v.) Project Management …. etc.
• University of Alberta , Canada
CMA members are welcome to apply for the EMBA degree program offered in Hong Kong .
• University of Louisville , USA
Our Members are welcome to apply for the MBA program offered in Hong Kong .
• University of Wolverhampton , UK
CMA Members are welcome to apply for the final year BA (Hons) Business Administration programme offered in Hong Kong .
• The University of Western Ontario
CMA members are welcome to apply for the EMBA degree program offered in Hong Kong.
• The City University of New York
CMA members are welcome to apply for the Executive MSc in Finance/Marketing degree program offered in Hong Kong.
• Deakin University, Australia
CMA members are welcome to apply for the MBA and Bachelor of Commerce degree programs offered in Hong Kong.
• Northern Territory University, Australia
CMA members are welcome to apply for the EMBA program offered in Hong Kong.
• University of The West, USA
GDMS Graduates of CDMA are welcome to apply for the Top-up Final Year BBA program.
Remarks: |
is on a competitive and individual basis entirely at the discretion of
the respective universities. Admission criteria and procedure are set
up by them, and are subject to changes without prior notice. CMA and
Professional Associations will not warrant and accept any liability
regarding the above articulations. |
( Remarks: Under " Associations in Asia ", Asia Pacific CEO Association |
(Member of Charter Management Association) is on the List!! ) |